Monday, January 31, 2011

Who are your clients and who are your customers?

In pretty much every business you can differentiate between clients and customers. For example, in a real estate office - your clients are you landlords and vendors - they have entrusted you with their asset to manage or sell. Your customers are your tenants and prospective buyers. In the retail sector your clients are those loyal ones - the ones that come to you every time the need an X. They refer friends and relatives, and they are happy to see your business flourish. If you are an events co-ordinator - your clients are the ones who are backing you, sure, you may have entertainers that make up a big part of the show, and you need to look after them too - they are your customers, but your clients are the agents of the entertainers that are bringing you 'talent' time after time.

Both clients and customers are an integral part of your business. And the goal is to 'upgrade' everyone to client status. If you own a butcher shop for example, your clients are the ones who buy all of their meat at your shop - they don't buy 90% of their meat at the supermarket, and come to you for a weekend barby. Your weekend barby buyers as customers are still vitally important, and you want to service them in such a way that they want to become clients.

Take a minute to identify the clients and customers in your business - maybe its time to 'go the extra mile' for a client or two.

Here's to smart business


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Real service!

There is constant talk about 'customer service' no matter where you turn. As a business coach, i am constantly reminding my clients about customer service within their business'. But what is service? Ask this question, and you will hear a million different answers. The way I sum it up is simple - customer service is whatever the customer thinks it is. Whatever they don't expect - in a good way! I have a great example to share. I was in Subway the other day ordering a vege wrap (yes I am a vegetarian - but the sandwich maker didn't know that). She was making my wrap - and my partners Italian BMT (covered in meat!). She actually asked me, if I wanted her to change gloves after handling the meat! THAT'S SERVICE! It is something that I didn't expect, it was over and above 95% of experiences I have had like this (I have been offered a chicken sandwich when asking for a vege option!).

That's what customer service is. It has gone far beyond 'service with a smile' - we still need to do this, but customer service these days is far exceeding the expectation of the customer. I fully expect to be greeted nicely, served promptly, without fuss - so when I get this service, I'm not dazzled - I am merely satisfied.

Are you dazzling your customers? Or merely satisfying them?

Check out my other blog - for my regular business blog.


Thursday, January 13, 2011

Declutter continues, tradgedy unfolds and gratefulness increases

well, i finished the fridge, the pantry and the medicine cabinet and the
cabinet that all the tea, coffee and cereal is in. I did some more of my office, and
just went and bought some storage solutions for my partners business - this
organization stuff is infectious!

Sometimes I think 'wow i should be spending time on things that are going to bring
in $$ this week' but then I realise that while I'm spending the time doing menial tasks, its
putting my brain into a relaxed state - which is allowing some great ideas to filter through, not
to mention that now each time i open a cupboard or walk into my office space I'm now not thinking 'oh I have to do that' or ' oh i need to clean this' etc.

Really grateful for that this week, also watching the tragedy unfold north of me, I'm grateful that
I have food, shelter, my own warm bed, my animals are high and dry (we were in severe flooding in 2009 and nearly lost several of our horses). I'm grateful that we got through that, I'm grateful to be a part of a community and a country that just has amazing attitudes - flood victims who have lost everything, are still joking and laughing, helping their neighbours, strangers are sleeping on strangers lounge room floors, facebook groups have been made, have raised money and have saved I cant say how many animals through their efforts to not only find people who can help, but provide a register of sorts for anyone that can offer aid or in need of it. I don't think I have ever been so grateful for the Internet in all my life,

with sadness, happiness, love and gratitude.

x xtk

Monday, January 10, 2011

Declutter and Distraction

Today I am tackling the fridge and pantry. I feel great about my decluttering because it is only going to put me in a great place to start the year. I am filled with gratitude that I am in a position to take time away from work and focus on these things that need to be done. It is too easy to be distracted at the moment.

Before Christmas I headed to Thailand for 2 weeks, and upon return my partners business (that I consult for) was closed until January 4th. Essentially I have had about 4 weeks off! To get refocused and into a routing is proving difficult, though Im not getting less work done ( I think!) but I am working odd hours.

I worked for most of the weekend (got some great improvements done on my website :) so I don't mind at the moment. But once this declutter is done, I will get back into my 'ideal week' which is something that I live by, and recommend to all of my clients. I find it incredibly productive to work by my ideal week.

Once the fridge and pantry are done, my office will be completed 50% done, and then the windows and walls are going to be tackled - not really 'decluttering' but I love the idea of scrubbing away last year (not that it was bad) and starting 'fresh' again :)

Heres to 2011 and freedom :)


Sunday, January 9, 2011

DeClutter, Gratitude and Negativity

well, the declutter is well on its way. I tackled the 'looks like a mob of 3 year olds have been living in here unsupervised for 3 months' bedroom today, and it feels good. I am getting things done!

I am typing this and watching the Qld flood appeal. It is both heartening and heartbreaking to watch. Heartening to see that so many Australians are getting behind fellow Aussies, and donating to this cause to help them get back on their feet (as much as you can help). It's heartbreaking to see the footage of people being picked up from their homes via helicopter, knowing that it wont be there when they get back. Heartbreaking to see farmers whose crops and livestock are gone, their homes and their lively hood are gone, and yet they will recover somehow. I will go to bed grateful that I have my own warm, safe bed to sleep in.

My final thoughts tonight touch on negativity. I had to remind myself in the last couple of days that some people just can't be 'uplifted'. They always have a reason, an excuse, for remaining in their negative frame of mind. You say something to help them, and they shoot you down, you suggest something else, and there is something wrong with that idea aswell. Their situation is always 'different' and 'harder' than everyone elses. I realised that before long they are dragging you down with them. That you are now spending so much time trying to come up with things to help them, that you have lost hours on what you should have been focussing on for yourself, your loved ones, or your business.

So I sign off tonight with many revelations.


Friday, January 7, 2011

Grateful for accountability

Thought I would get up to speed with my gratitude post. Today I am grateful for the accountability that the AIM2011 group brings. This group has such an amazing bunch of successful people - and to be successful you need to have plans and rituals, systems, take care of yourself etc. So, for alot of us (i assume) the actual tasks that are being presented aren't new to us, its the accountability that come with them that is 'forcing' (in a nice way :) us to complete them. I know I suggest to my clients to do things everyday, but I may not always get to them myself. Thoughts anyone?

Ps I am also grateful that I just concocted Vegemite toast with Danish Fetta on top, sounds disgusting, tastes unreal.

Heres to gratitude :)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Declutter has begun!

Well, I headed straight to the wardrobe phase of the declutter :)

I have weeded out all the stuff for charity, and Packed all my winter clothes in a bag to bring out in June! Yay - So much room in my wardrobe now :))) I also had a 'blinding flash of the obvious' whilst I was doing it, which means I now have a better spot for a huge chest that has been at the bottom of my robe!

I find that It isnt only the end result of the declutter that is great, its the process. I find that when I do something that doesnt require too much thought, It allows better ideas to pop into my head.

Yours and happy in declutter mode :)

Bring on the DeClutter!!!!!

Yay, I am soo excited about this task! I often declutter my areas, but they are well overdue - especially after the influx of 'stuff' at Christmastime.

The prestigious "clearing of the inbox" is something that I found very rewarding - at the end of last year I had over 1000 emails (oops!) in my inbox. I cleaned it right up and got it down to just a page, and my goal is to maintain it at just one page.

Thankyou Sarah for putting this task right up the front of our course - a clear mind allows the creativity to flow :) :)


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Manifesting :)

It seems the law of attraction was working well before I joined this AIM program, and caused me to join it. As I read through the posts, I realise the hugeness (is that a word?) of what I am participating in. I am honoured to be part of such an amazing group of talented and passionate people.

It is inspiring to know that Im part of such a focussed bunch, though along the way we have faced similar challenges.

I have a question for everyone at the moment - am interested to know your thoughts;

I have a fab Idea for a book. it will feature up to 30 people, maybe more, so each of the 30 features will be promoting it. Do I publish it myself (I put up the $$ required, organise the whole thing, publicity, agreements with the featured people) or do I put it in front of my publisher, who does all the work, but takes a huge chunk of $, leaving me (& features) with alot less $? Does having a publisher ad credibility or doesnt it matter anymore? The way I see it, If i self publish, it is a huge amount of work but a) I will be able to get my investment plus profit back alot quicker B) I will be able to offer better terms to the contributors, and direct other funds to a charity (which is what I want to do?)

Would love to hear your feedback :)


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A day lost?

so last night I went out with the girls to celebrate / commiserate about a girlfriend leaving the area and heading North. A few too many wines later and the next day (today) was almost a complete write off :(

Now to put a positive spin on it (which i did) I did take the opportunity to relax, kick back and watch a movie (during the middle of the day - an luxury I rarely indulge in). Then I found the energy to work with a young horse that im starting. On the whole an unproductive day on the work / business growth front, but probably a very productive day on the mental health front :)

Tonight I stuck to my exercise program for the 3rd day running, which I am super happy about, so my gratitude/s of the day are 1) I stuck to my exercise program 2) I stuck to my blog 3) I took some me time 4) I worked my young horse and finally I also checked my emails tonight and found extreme gratitude in the fact that I have systems in place that take alot of the work out of managing my twitter account etc - all thanks to Miss Sarah Prouts awesome book - THANKYOU!!!! again :)


Monday, January 3, 2011

2011 and exercise

well, like alot of people one of my new year resolutions / goals / promises to myself is that I am going to take better care of myself. I am generally an active person - I have a number of horses that I train and ride, dogs to play with, and paddocks and fences to maintain. All that said, I can be lazy! I decided this year that alongside my horses, and the martial arts training that I do (my partner owns a full time martial arts school and I currently train in Hapkido) that I was going to restart an exercise program and take up yoga.

Yesterday i took a walk up an island with a friend, and today I completed the 'crossfit' workout of the day. I am filled with gratitude to myself - for actually doing these things :) I am currently sitting at the computer sweating, trembling and hoping that I will have the discipline to keep doing it, which, now that I have written it for the world to see - I must!


Day 2 (technically day 1) of 'back to normality 2011'

Well Tuesday 4th January here in Australia is basically the 'back to work' day for most of us. School kids dont go back to school for a month, and some professional offices (real estate agents, solicitors etc) wont go back for another week, but for most, if you got a break at all, today is the first day back.

Having my own business, and choosing my own hours, I have been working a little over the course of the holidays, and I was really looking forward to getting back into routine today. The downside of this, is the little voice in my head telling me that I can still sleep in!

This is one of the reasons that I joined the AIM2011 program. Firstly I get excited about checking the AIM posts and see what everyone is talking about, and secondly it keeps me focused on what I am trying to achieve.

Heres to success :)

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Gratitude for 2010

2010 was an amazing year for me. I decided to refocus and take charge of my life and its direction. After taking a couple of years off (:) - there isn't a smiley face big enough!) after selling my business in 2008, 2010 was the year I decided to get back into the swing, but do it my way.

My Book - Maximum Returns, Minimum Concerns A Guide to Successful Property Investment was published and hit the shelves in August 2010.

I started using 3 month goal lists - and hanging them above my mirror (it works!).

I started my new business Chilli Consulting, doing what I love - coaching people to business success.

My relationship with my partner and his kids grew and continues to grow.

My animals (horses, dogs and cats) are all healthy and happy.

I took time out to train some young horses.

I wrote my goals down for 2011 and have some great ideas to make them happen.

I found & joined AIM2011.

I gained more confidence in myself - I truly believe that I can do what I set out to do.

I am so excited about 2011 and my AIM journey,

x x x tk