Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Great Gossip and how to get more

Gossip is not something that is normally considered a good thing. But when you take a minute to think about it - we all love a bit of gossip now and then! We love hearing it, sharing it and spreading it. So what does this have to do with business? Your business needs to be the focus of (great) Gossip!

We have all done it - had an experience in a shop or business and let more than one person know about 'what happened'. Now unfortunately we are more likely to spread negative stories (we love gossip - but we love to have a whinge too!), and alot of the business advice you read or receive is focused on this fact. How about focusing on the fact that when people have a funny, odd or sensational experience - they will share that with friends too.

What can you do in your business to start the gossip ball rolling?

What your business services are will depend on what can you do, but some ideas may include;

Putting in a kids corner to keep clients kids occupied (parents LOVE it when their kids are entertained for 10 minutes), colouring in competition, giveaways, lucky door prizes, free delivery, carrying goods to the car for people, free wifi for clients, complimentary tea and coffee while they wait, up to date magazines and books, a library of books or equipment that is specific to your business that your clients can borrow, these are the basics - then you can add to this list the 'quirky'. How about giving everyone who comes in the door a flower on valentines day? An egg at easter (beware of allergies), the list can go on.

Think about who your business caters for, and then think about who else you cater for by default. If your business caters to kids - they have adults that bring them along - what are you providing for them? Your business caters to adults - they may have friends or family that come along - how can you cater to them?

Get the gossip cranking today!
Here's to a great week in business. Tanja

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