Wednesday, April 20, 2011

What your customers really think

What your customers really think!
You would like to know - wouldn't you? Then ask them - it really is as simple as that. You must be prepared for the good, the bad and the ugly though. Giving your customers the opportunity to give you feedback on your products and service allows you to get some honest feedback - which might just hurt - but will allow you to improve your service and not just keep existing clients, but retain new customers that come along.

Give your clients the option of returning the survey anonymously, or filling out their details. You can help clients want to complete your survey by offering some sort of prize or 'special offer'.

The value of a customer survey is often underestimated, though when you think about it - these people have chosen your service, experienced your service and continue to use your service - who better to comment on how you are going?

You can even create a survey for outgoing or previous clients - it doesn't hurt to ask for their feedback!

Choose your questions wisely - try to limit the survey to 10 or 15 questions and avoid questions about the actual cost of your service - you don't wan't people thinking that you are not confident in your prices. If you put in a 'comments' section they will be sure to tell you in here if they think you are overpriced etc.

Don't forget to add to the bottom of the survey a section for a testimonial for use in advertisements. For example "We would love to have your comment for use as a testimonial on our website - please comment below and write your name as you would like it to appear" *note - your personal information will not be given to a third party - all names will appear in the following format - E B Jones Coffs Harbour"

There are many options for sending out your survey - one that I like to use is

I would love to hear of your feedback!

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