Friday, March 18, 2011

Adventures In Manifesting

Adventures In Manifesting

So, 12 weeks ago I stumbled across an e course called Adventures in Manifesting. Ididn't really know what to expect in the course, having never done one before, and Iwasn't really sure what I would get out of it. To be perfectly honest I ummed and ahhhedfor probably 2 days before clicking on that 'buy now' button. What made me finally do it ? I knew that I wanted more in my life, and I had read Sarah's book - which, to me (having my own book in stores, and knowing what it takes to get to the finished product on shelves), meant alot.

I could not have possibly imagined the journey that was ahead. If you are reading this because you are trying to decide - then do it. I can try to describe the camaraderie, the RESULTS, the shift in mindset, the accountability, the laughter, the tears, the gratitude, the love and all the great, awesome, exceptional things that come into your life, the higher level of understanding and the growth you experience as a person, but it would just be words.

Truth be told, if you have found out about this course, and you are reading up on it, then go for it - you have attracted it into your life for some reason, why question it?

From the heart


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