Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A day lost?

so last night I went out with the girls to celebrate / commiserate about a girlfriend leaving the area and heading North. A few too many wines later and the next day (today) was almost a complete write off :(

Now to put a positive spin on it (which i did) I did take the opportunity to relax, kick back and watch a movie (during the middle of the day - an luxury I rarely indulge in). Then I found the energy to work with a young horse that im starting. On the whole an unproductive day on the work / business growth front, but probably a very productive day on the mental health front :)

Tonight I stuck to my exercise program for the 3rd day running, which I am super happy about, so my gratitude/s of the day are 1) I stuck to my exercise program 2) I stuck to my blog 3) I took some me time 4) I worked my young horse and finally I also checked my emails tonight and found extreme gratitude in the fact that I have systems in place that take alot of the work out of managing my twitter account etc - all thanks to Miss Sarah Prouts awesome book - THANKYOU!!!! again :)


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